Re (from previous post): Barn Wood Farm Tables: As mentioned in our previous post we eluded to the idea of building farm tables with old barn wood**. Well, what we did not get to mention was that we were well on our way to doing so for a couple of great customers living now in Houston, TX. Below you will see the happy couple enjoying their first meal on their new Handmade “Aged* Maple” Barn Wood** Farm House Dining Table.

The Farm House Table is one of the first major pieces of furniture in this couple’s new residence.
The table is 78 inches (6’6″) in length to easily seat up to eight (8) in comfort. We know the couple will enjoy the table for years to come.
*; **: “Aged” Maple / Barn Wood should actually be labeled ‘Chemically Aged’ Maple to look and feel like old barn wood. Please know that Just Fine Tables has been experimenting with different ways to create the look and feel of old barn wood without incurring the time and expense of finding or purchasing real old barn wood direct. And as of today, we have learned a couple of ways to Chemically Treat*** various types of wood (primarily: Pine; Oak; and Maple) to give the Old Weathered Look.
***: ‘Chemically Treat’: Please know that Just Fine Tables uses typical Household Chemicals to create the Old Weathered Look. Most of the chemicals are both safe and even consumable. Yes, you find many of them in your foods.
FYI: Just Fine Tables attempts to be Environmentally GREEN in every table or refinished furniture item we build or redo. Granted, we do use some paints and finishes that are not as environmentally friendly as our aging chemicals mentioned above; however, we only use as much of these kinds of products as absolutely necessary to provide the beauty and benefits required of our customers; and our requirements of excellence.
Got to go for now.
p.s. This post is being created while sitting at the end of the table above.