An opportunity to obtain an old Oak Plank Top Pedestal Table that my wonderful partner, J’s-Ave, found a few days earlier, became a reality. The table was nearly dilapidated upon inspection as some of table top planks would slide out of position and the overall top was not secured well to the base, nor the apron to the planks of the top. This became obvious when we “rolled’ the table into our shop as the table top started falling apart and one of the main table top supports came loose underneath and dangled as it was rolled (Yes, the table base was removed beforehand).
The table was old, maybe a century old, as some of the 2″ x 4″ supports between the base and top were rough cut (i.e. not planed). But, because the table was solid wood, and obviously built originally with integrity and skill, we had to have it and restore it for today’s lifestyle wants.
This table restoration was fun. Seeing how our ‘turn-of-the-century craftsmen’ built furniture was extremely meaningful; and we learned a couple of new woodworking techniques while restoring this piece! (p.s. The Restored Table is Shown in our Booth 47 / 469 at ENCORE RESALES.)
As normal, Just Fine Tables has more than one project going at a time. While working on the above, we had a couple of previous table customers wanting us to redo /repair /refinish some chairs to go with the tables they had purchased previously.
The first was a group of six (6) Tell City Chair Co. chairs that the customer had purchased to be redone to match the distressed cottage white base and legs of this antique table from back in late July 2014.
Here are the newly finished matching Tell City Chairs to go with the above table.
And, the second was the repair and refinishing of a couple of antique chairs to semi-match this Ethan Allen Table and Chair Set that recently found a home.
Here are the two antique chairs that we rebuilt the seats to match while replacing a missing rung in one of the chairs and then painted and distressed both to match the Ethan Allen set.
AND NOW, The Way They Sit With the Ethan Allen Table Ensemble In The Home.Note: This picture was taken before the chairs were repaired and refinished. You will note that the chairs were stained dark walnut and that the chair closest has the missing rung, 3rd rung over from the right side in the picture.