A busy week, but certainly a fun week.
Project #1 – An ugly piece of crap, Three(3) drawer Chest of drawers was given to us about a month ago by a neighbor who wanted to get rid of the chest. (It had been sitting in their garage since moving into our neighborhood of Perkins Landing Cove on Lay Lake.)
Anyway, I said yes, I would see if I could pretty it up some and since it was a college student who gave it to me, I said when and if I refinished it and sold it that I would share the profit 50/50. — It hasn’t sold as of this posting; however, I’m confident it will find a new home soon.
Project #2 – A 70″ Handmade Farm Table (100% Made in America) While refinishing the little chest of drawers above, I finished up building a new farm table seen here-

70 in Handmade Farm Table
The table was fun to build and was shown and displayed at our friend’s consignment store, Encore Resales, Pelham, AL, with some beautiful chairs provided by Encore. [ The table is no longer at Encore.. the table sold. ]
And, while finishing up the above projects, a 3rd major project was completed…
Project #3 – 5’6″ Rustic Top Handmade Wine Bar / Buffet Table

Rustic Top Handmade Wine Bar - Buffet Table
This wine bar-buffet table combines a distinctive rustic top in a patina finish. There are 8 slots for wine storage on the lower shelf and the overall wine bar stands counter height for convenience of use.
Like the farm table and the chest of drawers above, the handmade Wine Bar – Buffet Table can be found at Encore Resales in Pelham.
p.s. Note: Should YOU HAVE A DESIRE for a custom farm table, country table, kitchen island, or similar item that we have built for others, feel free to contact us to see if we could help you with your dream.
Contact – Just Fine Tables: phone: (205) 669-1988; email: justfinetables@gmail.com